fck-nat Features
High-availability Mode
fck-nat can operate on a single instance, or withing an autoscaling group for improved availability. When running in an autoscaling group, fck-nat can be configured to always attach a specific ENI at start-up, allowing fck-nat to maintain a consistent internal-facing IP address. Additionally, it is also possible to configure an already allocated EIP address that would be carried through instance refreshs.
Those features are controlled by eni_id
and eip_id
directive in the configuration file.
IAM requirements: ec2:AttachNetworkInterface
, ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute
on *
for ha-mode, plus
, ec2:DisassociateAddress
on *
when using a static EIP.
One of the objectives of fck-nat is to offer as close as possible metric parity with Managed NAT Gateway. While the
project supports various metrics similar to the managed NAT Gateway via Cloudwatch agent, each provider is responsible
for passing their configuration to the agent via fck-nat's cwagent_enabled
, and cwagent_cfg_param_name
within its configuration file.
As an example, you might use the following configuration file which have Cloudwatch agent report most of metrics provided in the managed NAT Gateway:
"agent": {
"metrics_collection_interval": 60,
"run_as_user": "root",
"usage_data": false
"metrics": {
"namespace": "fck-nat",
"metrics_collected": {
"net": {
"resources": ["eth0", "eth1"],
"measurement": [
{ "name": "bytes_recv", "rename": "BytesIn", "unit": "Bytes" },
{ "name": "bytes_sent", "rename": "BytesOut", "unit": "Bytes" },
{ "name": "packets_sent", "rename": "PacketsOutCount", "unit": "Count" },
{ "name": "packets_recv", "rename": "PacketsInCount", "unit": "Count" },
{ "name": "drop_in", "rename": "PacketsDropInCount", "unit": "Count" },
{ "name": "drop_out", "rename": "PacketsDropOutCount", "unit": "Count" }
"netstat": {
"measurement": [
{ "name": "tcp_syn_sent", "rename": "ConnectionAttemptOutCount", "unit": "Count" },
{ "name": "tcp_syn_recv", "rename": "ConnectionAttemptInCount", "unit": "Count" },
{ "name": "tcp_established", "rename": "ConnectionEstablishedCount", "unit": "Count" }
"ethtool": {
"interface_include": ["eth0", "eth1"],
"metrics_include": [
"mem": {
"measurement": [
{ "name": "used_percent", "rename": "MemoryUsed", "unit": "Percent" }
"append_dimensions": {
"InstanceId": "$${aws:InstanceId}"
Ensure you are aware of Cloudwatch metrics costs before enabling Cloudwatch agent. The above configuration would cost you about $17/monthly, excluding free tier.
IAM requirements: ssm:GetParameter
on the SSM Parameter ARN, and cloudwatch:PutMetricData
on *